
目前分類:英文練習 (5)

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I have used Google Reader because my friend suggested me do that recently.
It's a convenient tool. If you read on the Internet, you can follow someone's blog.

"Drawing with Squirrel" is one of those blogs.
The works are very beautiful. The blog owner paints plants, people and grometric patterns which are composed of a lot of vortexes.

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{MT in Taipei}

This month there's an exhibit of Masking Tape in Taipei.
I have  liked MT since I saw it at Eslite last year. And I began collecting it.

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I saw a live show about a frightening game on the Internet recently.
The main roles are a young girl and a man in the game.
The place is an art museum and all at once people disappeared in the dark.
It's pretty fascinating.

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 I read a story all day without going out.

"Book One of A Song of Ice and Fire", The story is about war and surviving.

It's a really enormous world and lets me lose in the story.

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"Design from itself"?

one man tolk me yesterday.

I don't know it's true, and I doubt it.


A exam.

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